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Vedic Astrology: Rahu and its impact on Marriages

There is a general trend among the Astrologers and also the Indian Public to blame Rahu and Kethu for the Marriage delays and Marriage debacles. Is it true that the Rahu (or Kethu) posses the capacity to wreck the Marriage by sitting in a particular position? Let us see the probable popular notions that are directed against the Rahu & the Kethu being floated by popular Astrologers and popular astrological sites.

Rahu (or Kethu) is in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 7th, 8th and 11thhouses; hence it creates obstacles in the marriage.

If we assume that this particular theory is correct and accurate, then 50% of the population will have defective marriages (or) delayed marriages. That is, the Rahu (or the Kethu) needs to be placed in any of the 12th houses in the natal Horoscope. Here blaming the Rahu (or Kethu) placement in any of the above mentioned 6 houses will pave way for the disqualification of the marriage prospects for the half the population of the world.

Some Astrologers, even go to the extent of asking the natives to choose a bride (or) groom, who has the placement of Rahu (or Kethu) in their natal horoscope similar to the placement of Rahu (or Kethu) in their natal Horoscope, which is a ridiculous idea born out of emptiness. 

Let us analyze the fundamental qualities of Rahu in this post:

The Rahu would treat the Sun and Moon as its major opponent. Both the Sun and Moon will completely lose their power, when they move closer proximity towards the Rahu.

The Rahu represents the materialistic world, pleasure and gains.

The Rahu does not own any houses in the Zodiac Sign. Hence the Rahu will mirror the qualities of the House Lord, where it is being placed.

The Rahu will take nearly 18 months to cross a single Zodiac sign. Hence it will take exactly 18 years to complete a journey around the Zodiac signs.

The Rahu will move in the anti clock-wise direction. Both the Rahu and Kethu will keep equidistance among themselves @ they maintain 180 degrees between themselves.

The Rahu has the 3rd, 7th and 11th views from its place.

The Rahu, the Force Mutliplier:

The Rahu would simply multiply the qualities and characteristics of the Planets or the Zodiac Signs, whom it has associated with. That is, the Rahu would rapidly multiply the qualities of the house lords; the planets who are associated with it. In short, the Rahu will accelerate the functionality of the particular planet or the zodiac sign, irrespective of the end results. Thus, it makes the natives to do or act anything in a repetitive (repeated manner).

Let us see some examples on the functionalities of the Rahu:

The natives getting addicted to smoking, drinking and gambling

The natives becoming workaholic @ working for longer hours

The natives finding difficult to control their appetites for some food/drink @ eating/drinking the food/drink on regular intervals

The native getting involved in book readings (or) opting to learn new subjects throughout their lifetime

The native getting involved in sexual relationships in multiple times

The native getting involved in theft, crime (or) illegal activities in a repeated manner

The native getting into love relationship (or) sexual relationship with multiple partners

Results: The Rahu would pave the way for multiplication (or) duplication of the work/event for numerous times, once it has been initiated.

We all know about “Rahu Kalam” (Period dominated by Rahu) which runs approximately for 1½ hours on daily basis with variable time limits. As per the Hindu Vedas, we are not supposed to initiate any auspicious (or) inauspicious works during the period dominated by Rahu. The Rahu will make the native to do a job/work/event for multiple times, if any work/events that has been initiated during the Rahu Kalam. Let us see some examples.

If the Marriage is done during the Rahu Kalam, then it will produce 'multiple marriages" meaning that the marriage is likely to fail or the natives would have multiple life partners.

If the natives start going to the hospital during the Rahu Kalam, then they will be forced to go to hospital again and again for number of times for the same treatment.

If the natives go for surgery during the Rahu Kalam, then they would face prospect of undergoing the same type of surgery multiple times. 

If the natives start or attend an interview during the Rahu Kalam, then they will attend many interviews meaning that their interviews may not deliver the required results.

If the natives borrow money or lend money during the Rahu Kalam, then the process will continue in an endless manner.

If the dead body is taken for burial or the last rites are done during the Rahu Kalam, then the natives will be forced to repeat the process again and again for multiple number of deaths.

If a travel is started during the Rahu Kalam, the process will get repeated. If the travel is done for leisure purposes, it will make them happy as the natives would be travelling multiple times

Hence anything good or bad, if it is started or done during the Rahu period will get it repeated. Let us see the placement of Rahu in each house that could potentially damage the marriage prospects.

The Rahu in the 1st house (Lagna) or the Rahu is getting placed with closer proximity towards the 1st house lord would make the mind and the body restless. That is, the natives would not be able to sit in a particular place for longer period of time @ the native would roam around and like to live a very materialistic life like attending parties, travelling for pleasure and spending time for nothing.

The Rahu in the 2nd house or the Rahu is getting placed with closer proximity towards the 2nd house lord would multiply their family setup. That is, the native may maintain multiple families like keeping their Parents as a separate family and may maintain them (or) may maintain illegal family setup with the polygamist relationships (or) remain separated from the family and living as a separate entity.

The Rahu in the 3rd house or the Rahu is getting placed to closer proximity towards the 3rd house lord would multiply the sexual stimulation both in their body and mind for numerous times. The natives would maintain friendship with numerous peoples. The native will have faster mood swings in positive/controversial manner.

The Rahu in the 4th house or the Rahu is getting placed to closer proximity towards the 4th house lord would multiply their assets and lifestyle @ the native would not remain satisfied with their movable and immovable assets; it push their mind towards rapid acquisition of assets (it could be both in a legal (or) in an illegal manner; it depends on the natives horoscope). The Rahu would make the natives to experience all kinds of lifestyle during their lifetime (example; study/sporty/lavish/dangerous/filthy/spiritual environments).

The Rahu in the 5th house or the Rahu is getting placed with closer proximity towards the 5th house lord would multiply their interest in learning, studies and enhancing skills. The natives would have multiple children (or) attempt to have multiple children. The natives would often try to join new jobs meaning that they switch jobs often (or) try to do multiple jobs (or) do multiple jobs concurrently. The natives would remain addicted to anything like gambling/lottery to attain quick fortunes.

The Rahu in the 6th house or the Rahu is getting placed with closer proximity towards the 6th house lord would borrow money (or) create debts often. The natives would face rapid increase in the debt levels; and also face increase in the intensity of the chronic illness in the body. The natives would face numerous opponents in their life in all walks of their life.

The Rahu in the 7th house or the Rahu is getting placed with closer proximity towards the 7th house lord would have multiple partners (love/life/sex/work/business) in their life. The natives might develop partnership in love/life/sex with multiple persons concurrently.

The Rahu in the 8th house or the Rahu is getting placed with closer proximity towards the 8th house lord would face stimulation (or) urge (or) itching in their private parts due to various reasons like health issues (or) sexual desires.

The Rahu in the 9th house or the Rahu is getting placed with closer proximity towards the 9th house lord would remain addicted to spiritual (or) ritualistic ideas/beliefs (*the ritualistic ideas might remain peaceful (or) violent (or) controversial).

The Rahu in the 10th house or the Rahu is getting placed with closer proximity towards the 10th house lord would face jobs that are highly monotonous in nature (or) will be forced to do the same work in an repetitive manner (or): will have a job (or) duty that remains almost same during their entire period of lifetime: (or) will work in multiple jobs with exactly similar duties/responsibilities.

The Rahu in the 11th house or the Rahu is getting placed with closer proximity towards the 11th house lord would create multiple incomes (or) income on daily basis. The natives might earn money (or) get money (both in a legal/illegal manner) from a single source of work (or) earn money from different source of work/investments (or) earn money through legalized channels and also through dubious methods from two (or) more source of work.

The Rahu in the 12th house or the Rahu is getting placed with closer proximity towards the 12th house lord would create multiple expenditures (or) continuous form of expenses (or) dramatic rise in the expenses. The natives would sleep long hours (or) sleep multiple times in a single day. The natives would ejaculate their semen from their body multiple times with (or) without the involvement of their Partners.

Intensity of the Rahu factor:

1. The above mentioned results are applicable (at variable levels), if the Rahu is placed in the above mentioned houses from the Lagna (Rising sign).

2. The Intensity of the above results are likely to increase (at variable levels), if the Rahu is placed alongside the house lord in the any Zodiac sign.

3. The intensity of the above results are likely to increase, if the Rahu is placed in the same Star (Nakshatra) along with the House Lord.

4. The intensity of the above mentioned results increases further, if both the Rahu and the House Lord is placed in the same path within the same Nakshatra.

6. The intensity of the Rahu increases manifold, if the Rahu is placed within +/- 03.20.00 degrees from the planet.

7. The intensity of the Rahu increases further, if the house lord (whom the Rahu is associated) is traversing in the Thiruvathira (Aridra), Swathi and Sathayam Nakshatras.

8. The planets who are within the purview of 3rd, 7th and 11th house views of the Rahu would also feel the increased intensity of the Rahu as their "Force Multiplier".

Author’s Views: The Placement of Rahu in 1st, 2nd, 5th, 7th, 8th and 11th house creates Kethu’s placement in the opposite houses @ 7th, 8th, 11th, 1st and 2nd houses. Thus the Placement of Rahu/Kethu in 3rd, 4th, 6th, 9th, 10th and 12th houses are considered not harmful as per the Astrologers.

But in my view, the Rahu in the 3rd house creates mood swings, multiple friendships and too much interest in sexual relationships. The Rahu in the 4th house creates multiple lifestyle (or) nomadic lifestyle. The Rahu in the 5th house creates too much interest in gambling and speculations. The Rahu in the 6th house increases the debts and illness. The Rahu in the 9th house creates too much interest in spiritual/ritual activities. The Rahu in the 10th house creates continuous job changes (or) make them to work in a repetitive manner. The Rahu in the 11th house could push the natives to take greater risks in their life to earn money through multiple sources.

Thus the placement of Rahu in any houses will have its own impact. We need to analyse the individual horoscope of the natives to find out the exact nature and level of impact in their life.

We should not assume that the Rahu in the 7th house would automatically create multiple marriages (or) Rahu in the 2nd house creates multiple families. We need to analyse the strength and placement of 7th and 2nd house lords to come to a conclusion.

Hence Rahu doesn’t possess the capacity to delay the marriage (or) create defective marriages. I request the readers to drop the notion that the placement of Rahu (or Kethu) in particular houses is the source of troubled marriages.


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