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Showing posts with the label Sex Astrology


Is your Partner Monogamous (or) Polygamous? Sex Astrology Question:  Will this man (born July 15, 1990 at 1:17 am in Phoenix, AZ USA) be monogamous in his relationships or in marriage? DOB:  15.07.1990 TOB:  01.17 am (- 07.00 hours from GMT) POB:  Phoenix, Arizona Birth Star:  Revathi 4 Moon Sign:  Pisces/Meena Rasi Sun Sign:  Gemini/Mithuna Rasi Ascendant Sign : Aries/Mesha Lagna Method:  Vedic Astrology Answer:  No, there are high possibilities of indulging in sexual/love relationships in an unlimited manner during the below mentioned dasa periods. 1. The native would involve in love/sex relationships in an endless manner, as per the direction of the mind. That is, the native may not be able to control their mind on various form of sexual activities, if they allow their mind to read (or) view any pornographic material. This would happen, whenever the native passes through the Venus and the Moonā€™s dasa (or) their sub period...

Extra Marital Affairs in Astrology

Extra Marital Affairs in Vedic Astrology: Extra Marital Relationships Question:  He is my husband. He was born on 17-05-1978 at 11:40 am in Vizag. He has many relationships with other women. What is my future? Let us analyze your husbandā€™s horoscope. DOB:  17.05.1978 TOB:  11.40 am POB:  Vizag Birth Star:  Poorva 4 Moon Sign:  Leo/Simha Rasi Sun Sign:  Taurus/Rishaba Rasi Ascendant Sign:  Cancer/Kataka Lagna Problems in the Horoscope: 1. Family:  He would maintain strong, stable but difficult relationship with his family (or) he would experience bitterness & isolation in the family relationships (or) his family suffers. *This would happen, whenever he passes through the Rahu, the Ketu, the Sun and the Shaniā€™s dasa (or) their sub periods. *The problem becomes severe during the combination periods of Rahu/Shani; and Ketu/Sun; and Ketu/Rahu and Sun/Shani.  *At present, he is passing through the Rahu Mahadasa period f...


Ketu in the 8 th House: Does it create impotency?  Ketu in 8th House   8th House: In Vedic Astrology, the 8th house represents the Private Parts (urinals & bowels; and genitals & vagina). Thus the 8th house and the 8th house lord would measure the functional capabilities of body stimulation during the sexual activities. Ketu: The Ketu is the Planet that doesnā€™t possess any functional characteristics (or) capabilities to exhibit on the natives. Though the Rahu and Ketu are considered as ā€œShadow Planetsā€; the Ketu is considered as stronger in the hierarchy among all the nine Planets. Thus, the Ketu would suffocate (or) gag (or) blunt (or) choke (or) stifle any Planets which has been in conjunction with Ketu and aspected by Ketu. The natives who has Ketuā€™s aspection on 8th house/8th house Lord (or) Ketuā€™s conjunction with the 8th house lord will face troubles (or) erratic functioning of their body parts, as per the details given below. Thus, the native could...


Sex Astrology: Planetary Position that indicates extramarital (or) illicit relationships (Part 1): First let us see the Planetary position that creates greater desire for sexual comforts. These Planetary Positions (or) House combinations acts as a stimulator for creating more sexual appetites. Please note that higher level of sexual relationships does not automatically create illicit relationships (or) extramarital relationships. In the subsquent Posts, we are going to study the Planetary position that details the possibilities of having an illicit affair (or) extramarital relationships. 1. The combination of Mars & Venus: This Planetary combination creates burning desire for sex with anyone, who is willing to have relationships (or) the avenues available for creating a sexual relationships. Example: The native would only need a Partner to have sexual relationships @ they will not seek any financial gain (or) nor there would be motive behind their relationships. Their...


The effects of Shani and Venus combinations on the Sexual life: The Shani also plays a major part in deciding the nature of sexual life that a person is likely to enjoy. The Readers must understand that the Shani is the planet that is responsible for the below mentioned ways of sexual relationships. 1. Sexual relationship with the sex workers. ( *Applicable both to the males and females ) 2. Sexual relationship with widows, widowers and handicapped peoples. (*Both the physically disabled person and the mentally disabled person). 3. Sexual relationship with transgender community. 4. Sexual relationship with people from the lower strata of the society. 5. unnatural sexual acts. 6. Sexual relationships with laborers/employees ( *Please note that a Personal Assistant (PA) is a employee of the Manager (or) the Director, whom he/she works with; hence a sexual relationship between an employer and an employee at all social and economical levels come under this category ) 7. Sexual r...


Planetary position that indicates the Sexual Behavior of your Partner:  Sexual Life through Horoscope In this post, we are going to study the Sexual behavior of both the males and females, who has Moon & Venus combination in their natal horoscope. In the Vedic Astrology, the Moon indicates the quality of the mind; and the Venus indicates the sexual behavior of the native. Thus the Moon & Venus combination has the capacity to create the following impact on the sexual life of the natives. 1. The native would become thrilled by hearing (or) seeing any sexual pictures, stories and sexual informations. 2. The natives would remain fully satisfied on sexual issues by reading stories laced with sexual issues; and also reading the news that are based on sexual activities; and by reading the Porn books. 3. The natives would enjoy their sexual pleasures by viewing explicit (or) implicit sexual pictures & sexual films like Porn films. 4. The natives attain more satisfacti...