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Mesha Rasi & Thula Rasi Compatibility Ashwini Girl & Swathi Boy Marriage The following impacts could be experienced by the Ashwini/Mesha Rasi Girl's marriage with the Swathi/Thula Rasi Boy Aries & Libra Compatibility Results: The Results for Marriage Match (Kalyana Porutham) between Ashwini/Mesha Rasi Girl and Swathi/Thula Rasi Boy is 7 out of 10. Minimum required score is 6/10.  The Couples may remain less satisfied with their sexual relationships. The problem on sexual life become more stronger, if any (or) both the couple's horoscope indiacate any problems on sexual life.  Hence the marriage is recommended between the Ashwini/Mesha Rasi Girl with Swathi/Thula Rasi Boy, provided both the Couple should not put more emphasis on sexual activities in their life.  Note:   1. For the Marriage porutham (Match) for Ashwini/Mesha Rasi Boy, please see it under the appropriate Girl's birth nakshatra. 2. The Marriage Match will provide a general...


Libra & Taurus Compatibility:   Swathi Girl with Rohini Boy The possible results of a marriage between a Swathi (Libra) Girl and a Rohini (Taurus) boy can be defined as under:   Libra & Taurus Compatibility   Results: 1.      The Results for Marriage Match (Kalyana Porutham) between Swathi Girl and Rohini (Rishaba Rasi) Boy: 4 out of 10.   Minimum score required is 6. 2.      The Couples may not be blessed in every aspect of their life. 3.      The Bride could face financial & health difficulties in her life. 4.      The Bride may quarrel with each other for simple reasons. 5.      The Couple’s may face setback to their marital life either by living separately (or) anyone of the partner facing life longevity issues. 6.      Hence the marriage is not rec...


"THE MISMATCHED VEDHA PORUTHAM OF ROHINI AND SWATHI NAKSHATRAS" We know that the mismatched "Vedha Porutham" would ensure the separation of the Couples for a longer periods. These separations are caused by the professional requirements, financial troubles or troubles through personal behavior.  The Vedha Porutham does not point to any martial discard between the Couples. For more on "Vedha Porutham", please read  What is Vedha Porutham? . The Rohini Boy marrying a Swathi Girl would invite imperfect "Vedha Porutham". Hence it should be avoided. The Rohini Girl marrying a Swathi Boy would also invite imperfect "Vedha Porutham". Hence it also should be avoided.  Guide to successful Marriage:  Please understand that a perfect marriage match between a couple doesn't always gurantee a successful marriage. There are many other important issues to be looked and analysed to enjoy a successful marriage. Please visit the link to under...


"STREE DHEERGHA PORUTHAM (SUMAGALI PORUTHAM) FOR SWATHI GIRLS" We have studied various aspects of Stree Dheergha Porutham. Now let us see the "Stree Dheergha Porutham" for the Swathi Girls.  1. The Girls who has the Swathi as their Birth Star. 2. The Boys who choose their wife or the girl to be married with Swathi as their Birth star. Both these two categories should look for their "Stree Dheergha Porutham" here.  1. Best Match:  Aswini, Bharani, Kiruthigai, Rohini, Mirugasirisa, Thiruvathira, Punarpusam, Pusam, Ayilyam, Magham, Pooram, Uthiram, Hastham and Chittirai.       2. Average Match:   Uthiradam, Thiruvonam, Avittam, Sathayam, Purattathi, Uthirattathi and Revathi.         3. Worst Match:  Visakam, Anusham, Kettai, Moolam and Pooradam.        For more on "Stree Dheergha Porutham", please also read


The Mahendra Porutham denotes the ability of conceiving and delivering a baby. The Girls having Swathi as their "Birth Satr" (Jenma Natchathiram) must choose their life partner from the following list. For the Boys, whose life partner's bith star is Swathi, then they must look for the compatability of their "Mahendra Porutham". Perfect Match:  Swathi, Kettai, Uthiradam, Sathayam, Revathi, Kiruthigai, Thiruvathira, Ayilyam, Uthiram and Hastham. If there is a perfect match on "Mahendra Porutham", then the Couples are assured of best kids into their life. But this Mahendra Porutham dose not any way correspond to the success or failure of the marriage life of the Couples.  If the Natal Horoscope indicates favorable positions on having children, then this Mahendra Porutham (Perfect match) is an added gift and also the negative results on Mahendra Porutham does not affect the results from the Natal horoscope (Kundali). 


Gana Porutham on Couples ensures the unanimity in thoughts and actions. Also the perfect Gana Porutham ensures compatibility of the Couple's physique. For more information on Gana Porutham, please visit  What-is-gana-porutham?  Now let us see the compatibility of the Gana Porutham for Swathi Boys. Perfect Match:  Aswini, Mirugasirisa, Punarpusam, Pusam, Hastham, Swathi, Anusham, Thiruvonam, Revathi, Bharani, Rohini, Thiruvathirai, Pooram, Uthiram, Pooradam, Uthiradam, Purattathi and Uthirattathi. Bad Match:   Kiruthigai, Ayilyam, Magham, Chittirai, Visakam, Kettai, Moolam, Avittam and Sathayam. The Boy's with Swathi as their Jenma Natchatira (Birth Star) can choose their wife as per the details given above for a perfect Gana Porutham. HOW TO CONDUCT SUCCESSFUL MARRIAGE USING VEDIC ASTROLOGY? HOW TO CALCULATE AUSPICIOUS MUHURAT TIME FOR CONDUCTING MARRIAGE? MISUSE OF ASTROLOGY FOR CONDUCTING MARRIAGE KALATHRA DOSHA: REASON FOR FAILURE IN THE M...


Gana Porutham on Couples ensures the unanimity in thoughts and actions. Also the perfect Gana Porutham ensures compatibility of the Couple's physique. For more information on Gana Porutham, please visit  What-is-gana-porutham?  Now let us see the compatibility of the Gana Porutham for Swathi Girls. Perfect Match: Aswini, Mirugasirisa, Punarpusam, Pusam, Hastham, Swathi, Anusham, Thiruvonam and Revathi. Medium Match (Level 1): Bharani, Rohini, Thiruvathirai, Pooram, Uthiram, Pooradam, Uthiradam, Purattathi and Uthirattathi. Medium Match (Level-2): Kiruthigai, Ayilyam, Magham, Chittirai, Visakam, Kettai, Moolam, Avittam and Sathayam. The Girls with Swathi as their Jenma Natchatira (Birth Star) can choose their husband as per the details given above for a perfect Gana Porutham.   HOW TO CONDUCT SUCCESSFUL MARRIAGE USING VEDIC ASTROLOGY? HOW TO CALCULATE AUSPICIOUS MUHURAT TIME FOR CONDUCTING MARRIAGE? MISUSE OF ASTROLOGY FOR CONDUCTING MARRIAGE KALATHRA DOSHA...


T he Nakshatra Porutham should be calculated only from the Girl's Birth star.  The Nakshatra Porutham must be calculated in the following manner. 1. The Girl's birth star should be taken as the base value for calculating the Nakshatra Porutham. 2. If the boy's or Husband's birth star is 2, 4, 6, 8, 9,  11, 13, 15, 18, 20, 24 and 26 places away from the Girl's or  Wife's birth star, then we can assume that there is a perfect "Naksthara Porutham".  Now let us see the Swathi Girl's perfect Nakshatra Porutham.  Boy's or Male's stars that has perfect Nakshtra Porutham with Swathi Girl: Visakam, Kettai, Pooradam, Thiruvonam, Avittam, Purattathi, Revathi, Bharani, Mirugasirisa, Punarpusam, Pooram and Hastham. The Swathi Girls/females must choose their life partner only from the above list for a perfect Nakshatra Porutham. If they do, then we can assume that they would lead a healthy and normal lifestyle.  IS NAKSHATRA PORUTHAM OR MARRIA...


Best Sexual Partner for Swathi Nakshatra:  Swathi Nakshatra To look for the physical compatibility of a couple, the Yoni Porutham (match) must be studied. If there is a perfect Yoni Porutham (Match), then the couples will have lasting friendship and enjoy their sexual activities. The Yoni Porutham (Match) assures the complete sexual satisfaction of the Couples. Hence everyone is advised to look for the correct Yoni Porutham (Match) before getting married.  Let us find the Best Match for Swathi Star using the Yoni Porutham (Match): which is a must for satisfaction for the couples on sexual matters. Best Match: Hastham Good Match: Uthiram (Uttara Phalguni) Average Match (only for male Swathi): Kiruthigai (Krittika), Mirugasirisa (Mirugashirsham), Punarpusam (Punarvasu), Pooram Purva Phalguni), Anusham (Anuradha), Moolam, Uthiradam (Uttarashada), Thiruvonam (Sravana), Avittam (Dhanistha), Utirattathi (Uttarabhadra) and Revathi. Average Match (only ...