Mesha Rasi & Thula Rasi Compatibility Ashwini Girl & Swathi Boy Marriage The following impacts could be experienced by the Ashwini/Mesha Rasi Girl's marriage with the Swathi/Thula Rasi Boy Aries & Libra Compatibility Results: The Results for Marriage Match (Kalyana Porutham) between Ashwini/Mesha Rasi Girl and Swathi/Thula Rasi Boy is 7 out of 10. Minimum required score is 6/10. The Couples may remain less satisfied with their sexual relationships. The problem on sexual life become more stronger, if any (or) both the couple's horoscope indiacate any problems on sexual life. Hence the marriage is recommended between the Ashwini/Mesha Rasi Girl with Swathi/Thula Rasi Boy, provided both the Couple should not put more emphasis on sexual activities in their life. Note: 1. For the Marriage porutham (Match) for Ashwini/Mesha Rasi Boy, please see it under the appropriate Girl's birth nakshatra. 2. The Marriage Match will provide a general...
Vedic Astrology Blog on Marriages