Dhanusu Rasi Moolam Girl Makar Rashi Uttarashada Nakshatra Boy: Sagittarius Capricorn The probable impacts that are likely to experience by the Moola Nakshatra Girl (Sagittarius/Dhanusu Rasi) with Uttarashada Nakshatra (Capricorn/Makara Rasi) Boy martial relationships. Dhanusu Makaram Star Matchings. Results: The Results for Marriage Match (Kalyana Porutham) between the Moola Nakshatra Girl (Sagittarius/Dhanusu Rasi) with Uttarashada Nakshatra (Capricorn/Makara Rasi) Boy is 4 out of 10. Minimum score required is 6. Conclusion: The below mentioned impacts are likely, if a Moola Nakshatra Girl marries a Uttrashada (Capricorn/Makara Rasi) Boy. 1. The Couples are likely to face difficulties on health and wealth related issues in their married life. 2. The Couple may not enjoy physical compatibility @ both the Couples would be a mismatch on personality issues. 3. The Girl (Bride) may face wealth and health difficu...
Vedic Astrology Blog on Marriages