Rohini Boy Bharani Girl Marriage Compatibility : Bharani Rohini Natchthira Porutham The possible results of a marriage between a Bharani Girl and Rohini (Rishaba Rasi) boy can be defined as under: The Results for Marriage (Kalyana) Porutham between Bharani Girl and Rohini (Rishaba Rasi) Boy: 5 out of 10. (Results: 6 out of 10 is enough for a Marriage). If a Bharani Girl (Aries/Mesha Rasi) marries a Rohini Nakshatra Boy (Taurus/Rishaba Rasi), then the Couple may face the below mentioned difficulties. 1. The Couple may differ & argue even on petty reasons, which leads to fight and quarrels. 2. The Couple may face wealth and health related difficulties. 3. The Girl (bride/wife) will face struggles in her life on many issues. Here, the marriage is not recommended between the Bharani Girl (Aries/Mesha Rasi) marries a Rohini Nakshatra Boy (Taurus/Rishaba Rasi), since it gets lower points on marriage matchings. However, the marriage can be considered on the basis of the meri
Vedic Astrology Blog on Marriages