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Showing posts with the label Same Star Marriage


"Effects of Same Star Marriage on the Virutcha Porutham" Those who are born with following Birth Stars are likely to face the harsh realities of the mismatched Virutcha Porutham.  "Aswini, Bharani, Ayilyam, Visakam, Anusham, Moolam, Avittam, Sathayam, Purattathi and Uthirattathi". The Girls and the Boys who are having the same birth star from the above mentioned lists are advised against getting married in a hasty manner. They are advised to check their respective natal charts in a thorough manner about their chances of getting conceived and ability to deliver a child before committing themselves on a marriage.  The mismatch on the Virutcha Porutham do not give any martial troubles to the Couples.But certainly would impact on the ability of giving birth to a child.  Guide to successful Marriage:  Please understand that a perfect marriage match between a couple doesn't always gurantee a successful marriage. There are many other important issues to be...


IS NADI PORUTHAM OR NADI DOSHA APPLICABLE TO COUPLES WITHIN SAME STAR MARRIAGE? We know that the Nadi Dosha is applicable to the marriages of the couples who has the same birth star that comes under any one of three types of Nadi. The Nadi Dosha is not applicable to the couples, who has the same jenma naskhatra (Birth star). But other condition of Same Star Marriage and Same Rasi Marriage must be fulfilled.  Please visit  SAME STAR MARRIAGE  and also visit  SAME RASI MARRIAGE .  Guide to successful Marriage:  Please understand that a perfect marriage match between a couple doesn't always gurantee a successful marriage. There are many other important issues to be looked and analysed to enjoy a successful marriage. Please visit the link to understand the correct way to use Astrology in ensuring a successful marriage  Is the Perfect match under the "Marriage Matchings" can gurantee the successful Marriage?


Same Star Marriage & Rajju Porutham:  The Rajju Porutham does not affect the couples, who has the same Jenma Nakshatra (Birth star). This applies to all the 5 types of Rajju Porutham @ Patha Rajju, Thodai Rajju, Uthara Rajju, Kanda Rajju and Sirasu Rajju. The Couples who comes under the "Same Star Marriage" category, can ignore this Rajju Porutham and live happily. The Stars that are eligible for this exemption from the Rajju Porutham are given below. Rohini, Thiruvathira, Pusam, Magham, Hastham and Thiruvonam are considered as the best matchings. Aswini, Kiruttika, Mirugasirisa, Punarpusam, Uthiram, Chittirai, Anusham and Uthiradam are the modest matchings. The Couples who comes under the "Same Rasi Marriage" must have born in the same Nakshatra @ both have same Nakshatra. If the Couples comes under the same Rasi, but has different Nakshatra (Birth Star) do not qualify for the exemption from the Rajju Porutham. Author's Opinion:  The concept o...


If a man is standing in a Place, what would be the total degree surrounding him? We can draw a circle around him. @ the total degree of a circle is equal to 360 degrees. Suppose imagine, a square is drawn instead of the circle. Again the total degrees of the four corners of a square is also equal to 360 degrees. That is, a square (here it means the Rasi Chart or Kundali) also has 360 degrees. The Rasi Chart or Kundali has 12 Zodiac signs. Let us divide 360 degrees among the 12 Zodiac signs. 360 degrees / 12 Zodiac house = 30 degree per Zodiac house. We know each zodiac house has 9 paths of Stars.   Let us analyze an example. We shall take Kanya Rasi (Virgo sign). The Kanni Rasi has the following star paths. Given below are the few examples of correct match (Porutham). Serial No Girl's Star Star Path Boy's Star Star Path Results   1 Hastham 1 ...


Can people with the same Rasi (Zodiac Sign/Moon Sign) marry? The People who are in the same Zodiac Sign (Moon Sign/Rasi) can marry, but there are few conditions attached to it. There are 12 Zodiac houses and 27 stars, which are considered for calculations on the Hindu Vedic Astrology..  Each Zodiac house contains 9 divisions @ 12 houses x 9 divisions (paths) = 108 divisions (paths). Each Star has 4 paths (divisions) @ 27 Stars x 4 paths (divisions) = 108 paths.  Thus each Zodiac house hosts 2 1/4 Stars in 9 paths. Hence when you take a Star under consideration, it is important to know the Path (division) attached to the Star.  For example ,  Aswini 1, Aswini 2, Aswini3, Aswini4 are the four different division of the Aswini Star. In the Aries Sign, we have Aswini (1 to 4), Bharani (1 to 4) and Kiruthigai (1) totalling 9 paths. In the Taurus Sign, we have Kiruthigai (2 to 4), Rohini (1 to 4) and Mirugasirisa (1 and 2) totalling nine paths.  Thus ...


If  a boy and a girl with same Birth star can opt for marriage among themselves? Yes, the same star marriage is possible on the people, who has the following star as their Birth Star. 1. Rohini 2. Thiruvathira 3. Pusam 4. Magham 5. Hastham 6. Thiruvonam The marriages between the couples having any of the above mentioned  star as their Birth Star can be rated as "Excellent". 1. Aswini 2. Kiruthigai 3. Mirugasirisa 4. Punarpusam 5. Uthiram 6. Chittirai 7. Anusham 8. Uthiradam The marriages between the couples having their Birth Star from any one of the above mentioned eight stars are considered as "Average". IMPORTANT CONDITION: There is an important condition to be fulfilled in the event of Same Star Marriage @ the Boy's Star path should come before the Star path of the girl. If this condition is not fulfilled, then the approval for same star marriage stands cancelled.  Please understand that a perfect marriage match between a coup...