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Is there any chance of Divorce in my horoscope?   Marriage Astrology Does my horoscope indicate divorce in my married life? I was born on 15.10.1987 - 22.45 PM - Chitorgarh, Rajasthan.  Birth Star: Pushyami 2 Moon Sign: Cancer/Kataka Rasi Rising Sign: Gemini/Mithuna Lagna Sun Sign: Virgo/Kanya Rasi Let us understand your married life through the natal horoscope. Destiny: Unpredictable & stagnating ties (or) dysfunctional ties. Venus Mahadasa period from 04.01.2023 to 04.01.2043; and Venus Antardasa period from 04.01.2023 to 04.08.2026: Unstable ties. Ties would remain both active and passive (or) the ties would progress and remain in deadlock simultaneously. Answer to the Question: As per your horoscope there would be delay (or_ deadlock, while trying to get married (or) get into a relationship; and face stagnant & unworking ties while living with the partner. You would face delays (or) face deadlock, if you really walk out of the relationship. Under the Curre...

Will Second Marriage Work?

  Second Marriage Astrology: Know your Partner  In recent times, we see lot of marriage failures leading to quarrel, disputes, separation and divorce. In such case, what are the precautions to be taken for the success of the second Marriage? We can check the character and behavior of the prospective groom/bride before the Marriage; and we can understand the viability of the marriage itself through the Vedic Astrology. Let us see this case study with an example:  Question:  Birth Details: 8 February 1989, 4.30 pm, Damascus, Syria. First marriage failed and into stressful second marriage. Will 2nd marriage work! Character of the lady good or doubtful? Lastly mindset and mental framework? Answer: DOB:  08.02.1989 TOB:  04.30 PM (NO DST/+02.00 from GMT) POB:  Damascus, Syria Birth Star:  Purvabhadra 3 Moon Sign:  Aquarius/Kumbha Rasi Rising Sign:  Cancer/Kataka Lagna Sun Sign:  Capricorn/Makara Rasi Personality & C...


Know your Partner before the Marriage Marriage Astrology Question:   My DOB is 5 Dec 1986, 9:05 am, Nagpur and my  fiance's  birth details are 2 Oct 1984 6:28 pm, Mumbai. Should I go ahead with marriage? Is he hiding something from me? Since, the question is basically about the nature, behavior and character of the Boy and the possible outcome of the marriage life, we take the birth details of your fiance .   DOB:  02.10.1984 TOB:  06.28 PM POB:  Mumbai Birth Star:  Purvasada 3 Moon Sign:  Sagittarius/Dhanusu Rasi Ascendant Sign:  Pisces/Meena Rasi Sun Sign:  Virgo/Kanya Rasi   Character: 1. The native speaks very less. 2. The native remains anxious, tense, worried, restless, pessimistic and vengeful. 3. The native would looks normal and focuses more on his career as per the external personality. 4. The native would remain less emotional (or) hide his emotions & thoughts; and doesn’t open his m...


How to select a Beautiful (Good Looking) Partner?  Boys want to love and marry good looking Girls and the Girls want to love and marry good looking boys. Everybody dress up well and looks good before getting married (or) when they are in love relationships. So, in the young age, everybody looks beautiful and attractive. But here are the probabilities that a native could hide their real look and enhance their beauty in an artificial manner for a temporary period of time. Astrological Guide to examine the beauty of the Bride and Bridegroom: The below mentioned planetary position that could affect (or) reduce (or) damage the beauty of the natives.  1. The 2 nd house lord & Moon should not be placed in natural malefic houses like 3 rd , 6 th , 8 th and 12 th houses.  2. The 2 nd house lord & Moon should not be placed in Pathaga Sthana (House of Collateral Damages); and Maraka Sthana (House of Death). 3. The 2 nd house lord & Moon should not be pl...