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Showing posts with the label Uthara Rajju


If a Couple have their jenma nakshatra (Birth star) within the below mentioned Nakshatras, then they have a mismatch in the "Rajju Porutham". Among the 5 types of Rajju Porutham, we are going to see the "Uthara Rajju". Nakshatras:  Kiruthigai, Uthiram, Uthiradam, Punarpusam, Visakam and Purattathi. The Boys and Girls, who has their Jenma Nakshatras within the above mentioned list are affected by this mismatch on Uthara Rajju. Effects of "No Uthara Rajju": 1. Putra Dosha that would nullify the efforts to have a child. 2. The Couples may face troubles in conceving a child. 3. The Couples may face physical or mental complications with their child. 4. The Child may not be useful to their parents or might bring disrepute to them. 5. The Child may live separetly with their relatives or  stay in the hostel. 6. In worst cases, the Child may be permanently lost. 7. The Child could face critical times. Any one of the above mentioned troubles...


What is Uthara Rajju? The third type of Rajju Porutham is called as Uthara (Body) Rajju. There are 6 Stars allocated to this Uthara Rajju. Let us see the Stars that had been allocated to this Uthara Rajju. Sun's Stars: Kiruthigai, Uthiram and Uthiradam. Guru's Stars : Punarpusam, Visakam and Purattathi. The Marraige should NOT be held between the male and females having their Birth Star that has been listed above. If a mismatch is done and if a marriage is conducted, then the following listed probable issues could come up.  1. The Couples may find it tough to conceive;  could end up as "Childless Couples". 2. The Couple could face miscarriage. 3. The Couple could face troubles with the physical safety of their children. 4. The Couples could live separately from their childrens; or the Childrens could be separated from their parents (both in the Young or in the Old age). 5. The Couples could face severe distress due to the habits, character, lifestyl...