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Showing posts with the label Same Zodiac Sign Marriage


Thula Rasi Visakam Nakshatra Girl Thula Rasi Chithirai (Chitra) Nakshatra Boy Marriage Compatibility:  Thula Rasi Marriage Compatibility Below mentioned are the probable impacts in the married life, if Thula Rasi (Libra) Visakam Nakshatra Girl marries a Thula Rasi (Libra) Purattathi (Purvabhadra) Nakshatra Boy:  Libra Libra Marriage Comaptibility Results:  Under the marriage matching system, the Couple has to score a minimum of 6 points out of 10 points for their marriage to remain feasible. If they score more than 6, then there would be harmony, coordination and perfect understanding would exist between the Couples. If the score is less than 6, then the Couple may face disunity, misunderstanding and lack of coordination among themselves in their married life. Here the matching score is 9 out of 10 (excellent score).  Conclusion: Here the Couple will enjoy excellent mental, physical and sexual compatibility among themselves.  1. If both their natal chart indiact...

Moola Uttarashada Nakshatra Marriage

  Moola Girl Uthiradam Natchathira Porutham:  Sagittarius weds Sagittarius The probable impacts that are likely to experience by the Moola Nakshatra Girl (Sagittarius/Dhanusu Rasi) with Uttarashada Nakshatra (Sagittarius/Dhanusu Rasi) Boy  martial relationships.  Dhanusu Rasi Marriage Match Results:  The Results for Marriage Match (Kalyana Porutham) between the  Moola Nakshatra Girl (Sagittarius/Dhanusu Rasi) with Uttarashada Nakshatra (Sagittarius/Dhanusu Rasi) Boy is 5  out of 10.   Minimum score required is 6. Conclusion:  The below mentioned impacts are likely, if a Moola Nakshatra Girl marries a Uttrashada (Sagittarius/Dhanusu Rasi) Boy.  1. The Couples are likely to face difficulties on health and wealth related issues in their married life.  2. The Couple may not enjoy physical compatibility @ both the Couples would be a mismatch on personality issues.  3. The Girl (Bride) may face wealth and health difficulties in ...


Moola Girl Pooradam Natchathira Porutham:  Same Sign Marriage (Sagittarius) The probable impacts that are likely to experience by the Moola Nakshatra Girl (Sagittarius/Dhanusu Rasi) with Purvashada Nakshatra (Sagittarius/Dhanusu Rasi) Boy  martial relationships.  Sagittarius Sagittarius Compatibility Results: The Results for Marriage Match (Kalyana Porutham) between the  Moola Nakshatra Girl (Sagittarius/Dhanusu Rasi) with Purvashada Nakshatra (Sagittarius/Dhanusu Rasi) Boy  6 out of 10.   Minimum score required is 6. Conclusion: The below mentioned impacts are likely, if a Moola Nakshatra Girl marries a Purvashada Boy.  1. The Couple may not enjoy physical compatibility @ both the Couples would be a mismatch on personality issues.  2. The Girl (Bride) may face wealth and health difficulties in her life.  The Marriage should be considered, only on the basis of good parameters in both the Couples natal charts that assures good health for ...


Gemini & Gemini Compatibility:  Aridra Mirugasirisa Porutham The probable impacts that are likely to experience by the Ardra Girl (Gemini/Mithuna Rasi) with Mirugasirisa (Gemini/Mithuna Rasi) Boy martial relationships.    Aridra Girl - Mirugasirisa Boy Results: 1. The Results for Marriage Match (Kalyana Porutham) between Ardra (Gemini/Mithuna Rasi) Girl and Mirugasirisa (Gemini/Mithuna Rasi) Boy: 6 out of 10.   Minimum score required is 6. 2. The Couple may experience certain amount of difficulties on their personal life (or) health (or) finances, while living as a family. 3. The Couple may face certain of discomfort on issues related to children. 4. The Couple may remain dissatisfied with their sexual relationships. 5. The Couples may not blindly follow (or) love their partner without any valid reasons. Conclusions: 1. The minimum score required is 6/10. The Marriage Match (Kalyana Porutham) between Ardra (Gemini/Mithuna Rasi)...


IS NADI PORUTHAM OR NADI DOSHA APPLICABLE TO COUPLES WITHIN SAME STAR MARRIAGE? We know that the Nadi Dosha is applicable to the marriages of the couples who has the same birth star that comes under any one of three types of Nadi. The Nadi Dosha is not applicable to the couples, who has the same jenma naskhatra (Birth star). But other condition of Same Star Marriage and Same Rasi Marriage must be fulfilled.  Please visit  SAME STAR MARRIAGE  and also visit  SAME RASI MARRIAGE .  Guide to successful Marriage:  Please understand that a perfect marriage match between a couple doesn't always gurantee a successful marriage. There are many other important issues to be looked and analysed to enjoy a successful marriage. Please visit the link to understand the correct way to use Astrology in ensuring a successful marriage  Is the Perfect match under the "Marriage Matchings" can gurantee the successful Marriage?


Same Star Marriage & Rajju Porutham:  The Rajju Porutham does not affect the couples, who has the same Jenma Nakshatra (Birth star). This applies to all the 5 types of Rajju Porutham @ Patha Rajju, Thodai Rajju, Uthara Rajju, Kanda Rajju and Sirasu Rajju. The Couples who comes under the "Same Star Marriage" category, can ignore this Rajju Porutham and live happily. The Stars that are eligible for this exemption from the Rajju Porutham are given below. Rohini, Thiruvathira, Pusam, Magham, Hastham and Thiruvonam are considered as the best matchings. Aswini, Kiruttika, Mirugasirisa, Punarpusam, Uthiram, Chittirai, Anusham and Uthiradam are the modest matchings. The Couples who comes under the "Same Rasi Marriage" must have born in the same Nakshatra @ both have same Nakshatra. If the Couples comes under the same Rasi, but has different Nakshatra (Birth Star) do not qualify for the exemption from the Rajju Porutham. Author's Opinion:  The concept o...


Best Marriage Life Partner for Gemini (Mithuna Rasi): Gemini Marriage Matchings Rasi Athipathi means Zodiac Sign Lord. This test is performed between the Zodiac Sign Lord of both the Couples. As per Vedic Astrology, the Moon Sign assumes importance for the consideration of Zodiac sign Lord. Hence, the Rasi Athipathi Porutham is based on the compatibility between the female & the males's Moon Sign Lord only.  The perfect Rasi Athipathi (Lord of Moon Sign) Porutham (match) assures the following benefits to the Couples through out their lifetime.  1. The Couples will enjoy perfect coordination among themselves on all matters that are necessary to run the family without any quarrels. 2. The Couples would possess concurrent views on all important subjects.  3. The Couples will think & act in unison, while taking important decisions in their life.  Now let us see the Rasi Athipathi Porutham for Mithuna Rasi (Gemini Sign). Best Match:  Thula Rasi (Libra sign)...