Best Marriage Life Partner for Pisces sign: Pisces sign marriage compatibility Rasi Athipathi means Zodiac Sign Lord. This test is performed between the Zodiac Sign Lord of both the Couples. As per Vedic Astrology, the Moon Sign assumes importance for the consideration of Zodiac sign Lord. Hence, the Rasi Athipathi Porutham is based on the compatibility between the female & the males's Moon Sign Lord only. The perfect Rasi Athipathi (Lord of Moon Sign) Porutham (match) assures the following benefits to the Couples through out their lifetime. 1. The Couples will enjoy perfect coordination among themselves on all matters that are necessary to run the family without any quarrels. 2. The Couples would possess concurrent views on all important subjects. 3. The Couples will think & act in unison, while taking important decisions in their life. Now let us see the Rasi Athipathi Porutham for Meena Rasi (Pisces Sign). Best Match: Simha Rasi (Leo sign), Katak...
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