Who is the best Partner for Mirugasirisham
– Rishaba Rasi (Taurus Sign) girl?
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Marriage Match for Rishaba Rasi - Mirugasirisham Nakshatra Girl |
*The Results of the
matches are applicable for the female Rishabam/Mirugasirisham; and the boys
should look for their matches under their prospective female counterparts.
Nakshatra Porutham: The Couples having Nakshatra Porutham would be blessed
with all the goodness of their earthly life like Good mental & physical
health, life longevity, wealth, childbirth, career, finance and happiness
during their lifetime @ they would enjoy more auspicious events during their
Best Matching Results: Aridra, Pushyami, Magham, Uttara, Hastham, Swathi,
Anuradha, Moola, Sravana, Sathabisha, Aswini and Kiruthigai
Same Nakshatra & Same Rasi
Results: Mirugasirisham (Bad Match)
Gana Porutham:
This would indicate the physical compatibility between the couples @ fatty/lean
(or) dark/fair (or) tall/small
Best Matchings: Aswini, Mirugasirisham, Punarpusam, Pushayami, Hastham,
Swathi, Anuradha, Sravana and Revathi
Moderate Matchings: Bharani,
Rohini, Aridra, Poorva, Uthiram, Purvasada, Uthrasada, Purvabhadra, Uthrabhadra, Kiruthigai, Ayilyam, Magham, Chittirai, Visakam,
Jyestha, Moola, Dhanistha and Sathabisham.
Mahendra Porutham: This matching would indicate the feasibility of
possessing good mannered children @ the children born to the Couples having
“Mahendra Porutham” would bring joy, happiness and fame to their Parents.
Best Matching Results: Mirugasirisham, Pushyami,
Poorva, Chittirai, Anuradha, Purvasada, Dhanistha, Uthrabhadra, Bharani and
Stree Dhreergha Porutham: This Porutham would indicate the probabilities of the
Girl’s health and wealth after getting married to the Boy.
Best Matchings: Uthra, Hastham , Chittirai, Swathi, Chittirai, Visaka and
Yoni Porutham: This Porutham indicate the sexual compatibility between
the Couples. *The Couple would remain satisfied with their sexual relationship.
Worst Matchings: Kiruthigai, Pushyami,
Magham and Poorva
Best Matchings: Aswini, Bharani, Rohini,
Aridra, Ayilyam, Uthara, Chittirai, Swathi, Jyestha, Purvasada and Purvabhadra
Moderate Matchings: Mirugasirisa, Punarpusam,
Hastham, Visaka, Anuradha, Moola, Uthrasada, Sravana, Dhanistha, Sathabisha,
Uthrasada and Revathi
Rasi Porutham: This Porutham indicate the
mental compatibility between the Couples @ if there are no Rasi Porutham
between the Couples, then the Couples often quarrel and fight among them on
daily basis on all issues. They would develop diametrically opposite views.
Best Matchings: Scorpio, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces and Aries
Moderate Matchings: Taurus, Cancer and Leo
Worst Matchings: Gemini, Virgo, Libra and Sagittarius
Rasi Athipathi Porutham: This Porutham indicate the mental compatibility between
the Couples @ if there are no Rasi Porutham between the Couples, then the
Couples would take opposite views on important issues in their life; and remain
rigid on their respective views.
Best Matchings: Taurus, Gemini, Virgo, Libra, Capricorn and Aquarius
Worst Matchings: Cancer, Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Pisces and Aries
Vasiya Porutham: The Couples who enjoy this Porutham would admire their
Partners despite their shortcomings and get addicted to them; and sub serve
their interests.
Boys getting addicted to the Mirugasirisham/Taurus
Sign Girl: Cancer and Libra
Boys capable of luring the Mirugasirisham/Taurus
Sign Girl: Virgo.
Rajju Porutham: The Girl would be facing serious troubles in her life.
Bad Matchings: Mirugasirisham, Chittirai
and Dhanistha
Vedhai Porutham: The Couples who has “Vedhai Porutham” are likely to live
separately despite remaining technically as Couples.
Bad Matchings: Mirugasirisham, Chittirai
and Dhanistha
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