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Showing posts with the label Is Marriage Match Enough?


Does our life change after the Marriage? Marriage Astrology All the celestial bodies float in the Universe (vacuum). That is, these Planets are  NOT  attached to any fixed objects. They continue to float and move in a particular direction & speed with exact precision. They are able to hold themselves together by their mutual gravitational forces. Some of them have stronger gravitational capabilities (some of them possess weak capabilities). Likewise, the Soul within the body of every humans are bounded by the love & affection to their personal relationships; and their deep attachment to the gains & pleasures of the present-day world. A Soul would be able to leave the body very easily, if it deletes its desire for gain & pleasures; and detach itself from its affinity towards its own family relationships. That is, every Humans would possess some “desire” either in a positive manner (or) in a negative manner; and they may show it either in an aggressive manner (or) in


Can the Couple marry despite the mismatch on Rajju Porutham? Rajju Porutham The concept of getting married through the excellent matchings through the “Marriage Matches (or) 10 Porutham” generally practiced in South India may prove to be right (or) may be wrong, because there is no guarantee that a marriage would be 100% successful, even if all the parameters between the Couples are met. There will not be a certainty that a marriage would end in a disaster, if 5 out of 10 parameters are not matching for the Couples.  Let us find out, why we can’t fully rely on “Marriage Matches”: The Marriage Matching Parameters do show a probable mental/physical/sexual compatibility of the Couple; and health and longevity of both the Couples based on the Star and Moon Sign of both the Couples. Earlier before 50 years back, the Girls were married at young age; and they would be barred from venturing out after they attain puberty. A Boy had to marry a Girl without even looking at her; an


Successful Marriage through Astrology: Mob or Mass Hysteria on Marriage Astrology: "I don't understand anything; but everybody follows some system'. Hence I do follow it. That is, a society in general follow certain system either due to rumours or fear. These tendencies are defined as mass or mob hysteria. In general, most of the people believe or follow certain system or method without understanding it or verifying it. Hence the decision taken under this hysterical conditions do not evolve under any logic or reasons. Astrology is being used by most of the people, when the marriage is to be conducted. The Boy or the Girl don't understand anything about the Astrology. Simply they understand that a marriage could become successful, if they come under perfect Marriage Match. Hence they look for their Birth Star and Rasi and do conclude the feasibility of their marriage. That is, a marriage becomes more successful, if the couples has perfect matchings among them; an


Why do Couples fight?  Kalathira Dosha 1. The Couple always squabble among themselves. 2. A husband always disagrees with his wife on every issues; and vice-versa 3. The Couples always loves to disagree with each other. 4. The Couple always take decisions diametrically opposite to each other. 5. Any one or both of the Couples shout or fight it out at even for petty reasons. Let us find out the planetary position that brings nightmarish marital ties: 1. If the Couple come under the SASTANGA DOSHAM  @ if a husband's rasi is 6 or 8 places away from the wife's Rasi or vice-versa. The Couples come under this category often develop diametrically opposite views, which leads squabbles or fights. please find the table that contains the details of the Rasi (if the Couples come under this Rasi) that escalates the fight. 2. The Couples having  KALATHIRA DOSHA  will also fight with each other. The Couple who has their 7th house lord (House Lord of Life Partner) is placed o