Aries & Virgo Compatibility
Aries & Virgo Compatibility |
The below mentioned table indicates
the probable relationship between the Couples, their lifestyle and the
viability of the marriage between an Aswini (Aries/Mesha Rasi) Girl getting
married to Uttara (Virgo/Kanya Rasi) Boy
Aswini Girl with Uttara Boy |
The Results for Marriage Match
(Kalyana Porutham) between Ashwini (Mesha Rasi) Girl and Uttara (or)
Uthraphalguni (Kanya Rasi) Boy: 4 out of 10. Minimum score required is 6.
The Couples may quarrel with each
other on every small issue impacting their life.
The Couples may seriously
differ, while taking major decisions in their life.
Both the Couples may remain
dissatisfied with their sexual interactions.
The Couples could face
troubles on health (or) finances; and could be deprived of peace within their family.
Hence, the marriage between
the Ashwini Girl (Aries/Mesha Rasi) is not recommended with Uttara (Virgo/Kanya
Rasi) boys.
1.For the kalyana (marriage)
porutham for Ashwini boys, please see it under the appropriate Girl's birth
2. The Marriage Match will provide a general idea
about the possible impact between the Couples, when they choose to live
3. But the type of impacts & the level of impacts are likely to differ
between the Couples (Ashwini/Aries & Uttara/Virgo) depending upon their
original character in their individual natal horoscopes.
4. Perfect matching between the Couples will not supersede any doshas that
are present in their natal horoscopes.
5. The Couple will face difficulties in their marriage life, if any one (or)
both have troubles with their 2nd house & 7th house in their natal
horoscope, despite enjoying perfect match among themselves.
6. The Couple may fail in their sexual interactions (despite enjoying
perfect match on Yoni Porutham), if any one (or) both have any indication of
sexual deficiencies in their natal horoscope.
7. The perfect matching would add strength to the Couple's natal horoscope
for a successful marriage life, if their natal horoscope has better parameters
for marriage life.
8. The perfect matching between the couple's will withstand the pressures
in their married life to certain extent, if their natal horoscope indicates
marital troubles.
9. Marriage is not recommended even if there is perefect matching and the Couple's natal horoscope is indicating any marital troubles.
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