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Showing posts with the label Is Marriage Match Enough?


Is your Love Partner or Life Partner reliable, trustworthy, amicable, humorous, sociable or compassionate? (OR) Is your Love Partner or Life Partner angry, dominant, selfish, possessive, cynical or too materialistic? Let us study the various characteristics of the men that one of them is going to be your life partner. Now let us see the planetary positions that defines the probable chracteristics of a male. Who is your Life Partner (Probability 1): 1. My husband is angry. 2. My husband is highly possessive. He just eats away into my freedom. He doesn't care for my preference. He chooses my dress, lifestyle and even my diet in the name of too much love, care and affections. 3. He is highly suspicious and just intrude into my privacy. He doesn't allow me to maintain my friendship or even doesn't allow me to interact with my brothers & sisters (including cousins). I have a feeling that he is constantly watching me or he is stalking me even on day to day issu


Let us see the steps to be taken to ensure a successful marriage. Marriage Astrology 1. Character Analysis: First analyze the character of the Couples. Find out the compatibility with their mindset. A Marriage becomes always be successful, if the couple's mindset travels on the same directions. Example:  1. A boy with the vibrant nature would find it extremely difficult to co-habit with a lazy girl. 2. A Girl with clean habits can't tolerate a Boy who does not keep himself bodily clean. 3. The Person with good charcater can't co-exist with a life partber within a criminal background. 2. Sexual Compatibilty: Find out the physical and sexual compatibilty by using the horoscope and also through the "Yoni Porutham" Example:  1. A marriage automatically fails, if the Boy or Girl has too much interests in sex and the other partner does not evince the same level of interests in the sexual relationship. 2. The Marriage also fails, if the Boy or Girl tend to


Is perfect Marriage Match gurantees a successful Marriage? In general, people always ask me questions like the one mentioned below: My Rasi is ..... and my Nakshatra is ...... and  My partner's Rasi is ..... and his/her Nakshatra is ...... Can we marry or not? In my opinion, the question is itself flawed. No one can judge a person's character, life longevity, health, personal lifestyle, financial position and career on the basis of his/her Nakshatra alone. Saints and criminals were born in the same Nakshatras. Can we say that a particular Nakshatra produces only Saints and another Nakshatras produces only criminal? Hence concluding or rejecting a Marriage on the basis of the Rasi and Nakshatra is the height of the stupidity. No one gets killed or maimed just because if he/she happens to marry a person that does not have the matchings of "Marriage Match". If a person has a strong indication of life longevity in his/her horoscope, then he/she does not di


Mahendra Porutham:  Matchings as per Birth Star Mahendra Porutham is one of the least important matches in the 10 Marriage Matches factors. If the Couple has good match on "Mahenda Porutham" they are likely to enjoy better life through their children. That is, the Parents would be proud of their children (or) the children will bring name and fame to their Parents.  If we count from Girl's birth Star as first, then the Boy should have birth star as 1, 4, 7, 10, 13, 16, 19, 22, 25 and 26. If that happens, then the Couple (if both the boy and the girl gets married), will enjoy happier moments in their life through their children.  Additional information about the Mahendra Porutham:  1. The "Mahendra Porutham" will not indicate anything about the progeny related issues of the Couples. For Example, this match will not gurantee the Couple about giving birth to a child.  2.  The "Mahendra Porutham"  does not gurantee the Parents about the relationships with t


Who is your best Sexual Partner (as per your Birth Star)? Yoni Porutham In Marriage match matchings, we come across Yoni Porutham (Match). What does that mean? Yoni Porutham (Match) has been described as the base indicator of satisfaction on sexual activities to both the husband & Wife. Here Yoni is nothing but the private part of the Men & Women. The Yoni has been classified into different categories for the 27 Stars. We need to study the type of Yoni that some Man/Woman possess as per his/her Birth Star. If the Match is perfect, then the couple will have maximum pleasure through their sexual intercourse. If the Yoni Porutham (Match) is just the ordinary, then their sexual life may not bring any satisfaction; they just live with each other to pass on the time. If the Yoni Porutham (Match) ends in fiasco, then either their Married life could be in trouble or might opt for extra martial relationship. The result would be decided by their individual horoscopes. We read th