Rohini Girl Purvabhadra Boy (Taurus & Pisces) Marriage Compatibility: Taurus Girl Pisces Boy The possible results of a marriage between a Rohini Girl and a Purattathi (Meena Rasi) boy can be defined as under: Rohini Uthrabhadra Compatibility The Results for Marriage (Kalyana) Porutham between Rohini Girl and Purattathi (Meena Rasi) Boy: 9 out of 10. (Results: 6 out of 10 is enough for a Marriage). If a Taurus Girl marries a Uthrabhadra Boy, then they will remain a perfect Couple, if their natal horoscope also possess good indicators for the married life. Note: 1. For the kalyana (marriage) porutham for Rohini boys, please see it under the appropriate Girl's birth nakshatra. 2. The Marriage Match will provide a general idea about the possible impact between the Couples, when they choose to live together. 3. But the type of impacts & the level of impacts are likely to differ between the Couples, depending upon their original character in their individu...
Vedic Astrology Blog on Marriages