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What is Vasiya Porutham? Vasiya Porutham (Couple matching) It is one out of 10 Porutham (matchings for marriage) that speaks about the perfect harmony between the Couples.  1. Any one of the Couple getting mesmerized (or) charmed by the other Partner.  2. Blindly loving a partner overlooking their mistakes (or) deficiency.  3. Remaining completly submissive to the partner both mentally and phsyically.  4. Developing a "slave like" mentality towards the partner (or) keeping the partner as a master in the life.  5. Possessing a "Pliable" (or) "supple" mindset. Allowing the Partner to rule over them.  The Vasiya Porutham deals about the submissive qualities of either one of the Couples. The qualities of the Vasiya Porutham is given below. 1. The "Vasiya Porutham" deals mainly on the mindset compatability of the Couples. 2. The "Vasiya Porutham" do not have any connection with Physical compatability between the Couples. 3. The Coup...


The following Nakshatras are exempted from the Rajju Porutham. The details are given below, Nakshatras: Mirugasirisham, Magham, Swathi and Anusham. 1. The exemption from the Rajju Porutham is applicable to the couples, if the husband or wife has the above mentioned stars as their Jenma Nakshatra's (Birth Star). 2. If both the husband and wife has their Jenma Nakshatra (Birth Star) from the above mentioned list, then they are eligible for exemption from this "Rajju Porutham". Author's Opinion:  The concept of finalizing the marriage based on the "Marriage Match" is itself wrong. This particular post is written only to make the Readers understand "What is Rajju Porutham?". But don't take the decision on the Marriage based on the compatibility of the Marriage Match (Porutham) @ don't conclude the marriage, even though there is a perfect matchings according to the Marriage Match and don't reject the marriage, just because there i...


Same Star Marriage & Rajju Porutham:  The Rajju Porutham does not affect the couples, who has the same Jenma Nakshatra (Birth star). This applies to all the 5 types of Rajju Porutham @ Patha Rajju, Thodai Rajju, Uthara Rajju, Kanda Rajju and Sirasu Rajju. The Couples who comes under the "Same Star Marriage" category, can ignore this Rajju Porutham and live happily. The Stars that are eligible for this exemption from the Rajju Porutham are given below. Rohini, Thiruvathira, Pusam, Magham, Hastham and Thiruvonam are considered as the best matchings. Aswini, Kiruttika, Mirugasirisa, Punarpusam, Uthiram, Chittirai, Anusham and Uthiradam are the modest matchings. The Couples who comes under the "Same Rasi Marriage" must have born in the same Nakshatra @ both have same Nakshatra. If the Couples comes under the same Rasi, but has different Nakshatra (Birth Star) do not qualify for the exemption from the Rajju Porutham. Author's Opinion:  The concept o...


The "Sirasu Rajju" is another form of "Rajju Porutham". Those couples who has their Jenma Nakshatra (Birth star) defined in the list given below, is affected by the mismatched Rajju Porutham. This type of Rajju Porutham is called as "Sirasu Rajju". Nakshatras: Mirugasirisa, Chittirai and Avittam. Effects of Sirasu Rajju:  1. The Boy could be exposed to danger. The danger could be in the form of robbery, arson, accidents and physical or mental troubles. 2. The Boy could be harassed mentally or physically. 3. The honor of the Boy would come under severe pressure. 4. The Boy might face some critical moments in the life. These effects may happen, only when there is a possible planetary position on the natal chart (Rasi Kundali) of the Boy. Also it happens only, when there is a malefic Mahadasa that occurs during the lifetime of the Boy. Also it could happen during the convergence of malefic Dasa periods (Dasa Sandhi) of both the Boy and the Girl...


The "Kanda Rajju" is another form of "Rajju Porutham". Those couples who has their Jenma Nakshatra (Birth star) defined in the list given below, is affected by the mismatched Rajju Porutham. This type of Rajju Porutham is called as "Kanda Rajju". Nakshatras:  Rohini, Hastham, Thiruvonam, Thiruvathira, Sathayam and Swathi. Effects of Kanda Rajju:  1. The Girl could be exposed to danger. The danger could be in the form of robbery, arson, accidents and physical or mental troubles. 2. The Girl could be harassed mentally or physically. 3. The honor of the Girl would come under severe pressure. 4. The Girl might face some critical moments in the life. These effects may happen, only when there is a possible planetary position on the natal chart (Rasi Kundali). Also it happens only, when there is a malefic Mahadasa that occurs during the lifetime of the Girl. Also it could happen during the convergence of malefic Dasa periods (Dasa Sandhi) of both t...


If a Couple have their jenma nakshatra (Birth star) within the below mentioned Nakshatras, then they have a mismatch in the "Rajju Porutham". Among the 5 types of Rajju Porutham, we are going to see the "Uthara Rajju". Nakshatras:  Kiruthigai, Uthiram, Uthiradam, Punarpusam, Visakam and Purattathi. The Boys and Girls, who has their Jenma Nakshatras within the above mentioned list are affected by this mismatch on Uthara Rajju. Effects of "No Uthara Rajju": 1. Putra Dosha that would nullify the efforts to have a child. 2. The Couples may face troubles in conceving a child. 3. The Couples may face physical or mental complications with their child. 4. The Child may not be useful to their parents or might bring disrepute to them. 5. The Child may live separetly with their relatives or  stay in the hostel. 6. In worst cases, the Child may be permanently lost. 7. The Child could face critical times. Any one of the above mentioned troubles...


The "Thodai Rajju" is applicable to the couples who has the birth stars in the below mentioned list. "Thodai Rajju" Nakshatras: Bharani, Pooram, Pooradam, Pusam, Anusham and Uthirattathi. The Boys and Girls, who are having their Jenma Nakshatra's defined within the above list are forbidden to marry. If they marry, then it is assumed that they come under this "Thodai Rajju Dosha". Effects of "Thodai Rajju": Collateral damages to wealth and properties. Analyzis: The "Thodai Rajju" defines the sudden loss of wealth. In this world, the sudden loss could come in the form of debts, mismanagement of finances, confiscation by the Government, man made disasters like burgalary, lottery and wars and all other natural disasters. Thus a person who sits atop in the society as a wealthy person on the previous day may find himself in the dustbin on the next day. This situation could be attributed to this "Thodai Rajju". B...