Mesha Rasi Bharani Nakshatra Mithuna Rasi Mirugasirisham Nakshatra Compatibility: Aries Gemini Matchings The possible results of a marriage between a Bharani Girl and Mirugasirisa (Mithuna Rasi) boy can be defined as under: Bharani Mirugasirisham Compatibility The Results for Marriage (Kalyana) Porutham between Bharani Girl and Mirugasirisa (Mithuna Rasi) Boy: 5 out of 10. (Results: 6 out of 10 is enough for a Marriage). If a marriage happens between a Bharani Girl (Mesha Rasi) and Mirugasirisham Boy (Mithuna Rasi), the below mentioned setbacks would happen. 1. The Couple especially the Girl is likely to face the financial & health difficulties in her (their) married life. 2. The Couple would remain disappointed with their sexual relationships. Since, the matches are 5 out of 10 (below the minimum level), the marriage between Bharani Girl (Mesha Rasi) and Mirugasirisham Boy (Mithuna Rasi) is NOT recommended. However, the marriage can be con...
Vedic Astrology Blog on Marriages